Call for papers - Special Issue: Essays on Leadership and Marketing Management

In this special issue we are looking for papers that reflect relations between leadership and marketing management.
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  • Call for papers - Special Issue: Essays on Leadership and Marketing Management

Call for papers - Special Issue: Essays on Leadership and Marketing Management

28 fevereiro 2018

In this special issue we are looking for papers that reflect relations between leadership and marketing management.

So, we invite predominantly essayistic, theoretical and conceptual papers that reflect some of the following issues: Leadership and marketing; Teaching and promoting Leadership; Case Studies on leaders of any field; Self-leadership and self-marketing; promoting leadership in higher education students, Digital leadership and Marketing; Leadership, Coaching, Emotional intelligence and Communication; Leadership and gender equality. 

More detailed information about this Special Issue here. 

Important dates:

  • Paper submission: March 12h 2018
  • Acceptance notification & requests for revision (if applicable): April 6th 2018
  • Revised papers' submission: May 4th 2018
  • Final acceptance notification: May 31st 2018
  • Special issue estimated publication date: June 2018
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