"At IPAM we usally work for real companies on real projects" Ana Galdino, IPAM Student

27 julho 2022

 Ana Carolina Barison Galdino is a  Global Marketing Master student sharing her experience atIPAM and her plans for the future

Ana Carolina Barison Galdino is a Global Marketing Master student sharing her experience at IPAM and her plans for the future.

Why did you choose IPAM?

Actually, I have chosen IPAM in 2018 when I decided to my Bachelor's in Marketing Management. Since then, IPAM has become my second home and I couldn't choose another university to continue my studies.

**Tell us an experience from your academic life that was especially important to you. **At IPAM we usually work for real companies on real projects, so the most incredible experience that I had in IPAM was to be able to present our ideas directly to a company and a few months later see the idea being applied to the business.

Which of the projects you did at IPAM do you consider the most memorable?

Last term we got to work with a company called Yellow Bus. They are a tourism company and offered us a tour around Lisbon. It was awesome.

Summarize IPAM in a sentence. Learning by doing.

How do you imagine your future?

I see myself working for a good and well-known company in Portugal in the marketing area for some years. After that, I want to create my own business.

Describe yourself in 3 words:

Responsible, creative and friendly.

Share with us 3 of your wishes from your Bucket List.

Three of my wishses are to accomplish the Erasmus Program to Denmark next semester, find a good job in the marketing area when I come back from Denmark and have one the best thesis grades.

Highlight the greatest assets from your degree in IPAM and in which form do you think it will influence your professional outcome in the future.

IPAM provides its students with the opportunity to deal with real corporate issues and encourages us to talk and present our strategy to solve such problems face to face with the company's managers. It helps us to be more confident.

More informations related to the Global Marketing Master.

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