Docente do IPAM Porto em Congresso Internacional / IPAM Teacher at International Congress

Patrícia Araújo irá ser oradora no International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention, a ter lugar nos dias 31 de maio e 1 de junho em Portugal, com duas comunicações/publicações: uma relacionada com o Marketing Interno e a Felicidade Organizacional e outra com Inovações na Aprendizagem da Competências Transversais Diversas e o Futuro do Mobile-Learning.  Patrícia Araújo will speak at the International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention (31th May and 1st June, in Portugal), with two interventions: One related to internal Marketing  and Organizational Happiness and another with Learning Innovations in Core/Transversal Skills Promotion and the Future of Mobile-Learning. 
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  • Docente do IPAM Porto em Congresso Internacional / IPAM Teacher at International Congress

Docente do IPAM Porto em Congresso Internacional / IPAM Teacher at International Congress

29 abril 2019

Patrícia Araújo irá ser oradora no International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention, a ter lugar nos dias 31 de maio e 1 de junho em Portugal, com duas comunicações/publicações: uma relacionada com o Marketing Interno e a Felicidade Organizacional e outra com Inovações na Aprendizagem da Competências Transversais Diversas e o Futuro do Mobile-Learning.  Patrícia Araújo will speak at the International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention (31th May and 1st June, in Portugal), with two interventions: One related to internal Marketing  and Organizational Happiness and another with Learning Innovations in Core/Transversal Skills Promotion and the Future of Mobile-Learning. 

Os títulos das intervenções são: 

The emergence of Human Resources Marketing framework: How Internal Marketing approach is changing organizational happiness interventions

Journey Through the essence of self’ Course: The challenge of constructing a scientific-based Mobile learning course/PodCast for Insight Timer App focusing on positive psychology, mindfulness and self-awareness

Indexação Scopus: Journal: WORK — A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation

The Interventions titles are:

The emergence of Human Resources Marketing framework: How Internal Marketing approach is changing organizational happiness interventions

Journey Through the essence of self’ Course: The challenge of constructing a scientific-based Mobile learning course/PodCast for Insight Timer App focusing on positive psychology, mindfulness and self-awareness

Scopus Indexation in: Journal: WORK — A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation

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