Living in Portugal

Living in Portugal

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Portugal was voted the "Best Tourist Destination in Europe" at the World Travel Awards 2022 for the fifth time in six years.

If at IPAM we can offer you an academic experience with a strong international component (multicultural classes, programmes taught in English, hundreds of international cooperation partnerships, privileged connections to companies, etc.), studying in Lisbon or Porto will also allow you to benefit from a mild climate all year round, delicious cuisine, stunning landscapes and excellent beaches just a few minutes from any of our Campuses.

In addition to all these factors, Portugal continues to stand out in Europe for its affordable cost of living, high level of safety, excellent transport network and the unparalleled hospitality of its inhabitants, all with the added possibility of travelling quickly to any of the main European capital cities.

Best tourist destination in Europe

Safest country in the world
Best tourist destination in Europe
most spoken language in the world (>260 million speakers)


Lisbon and Porto have good urban transport networks that include trains, subway systems, ferries, buses and trams.

The Passe Mensal Sub23 is an affordable monthly travel option for students.



Finding the ideal accommodation is one of students’ biggest concerns when arriving in a new city or a foreign country. For this reason, we have several accommodation partnerships with prestigious student residences.

More useful information

Cost of living

Portugal continues to be one of Europe’s countries with the most affordable cost of living. On average, the expected monthly expenses for a student residing in Lisbon or Porto are:

  • Accommodation: 300 - 700 €
  • Transport: 30 - 60 €
  • Food: 250 - 350 €
  • Health insurance: 30 - 60 €

Student visa

Students who do not have EU citizenship must have a visa to study in Portugal. For you to apply for a visa, IPAM issues a letter of acceptance/application declaration after receiving and validating all application documents

Bank account

Students who do not yet have a bank account may go to a branch of a Banking Agency to request information about special conditions for higher education students.

Generally, the main documents required for opening an account are:

  • Citizen Card/Passport + NIF;
  • Proof of address;
  • Proof of enrolment in higher education (Student Card or Declaration of Enrolment).

NIF – Taxpayer identification number

International students who are not in Portugal within the scope of a short-term mobility programme must request the issuance of a NIF – Tax Identification Number from a Citizen's Office/Finance Service .

This number will be essential not only for opening a bank account and linking it to receipts for payment of tuition fees, but also for contracting and paying for other goods and services.

Health insurance

International students who are not in PortStudents who do not have EU citizenship must have a visa to study in Portugal. For you to apply for a visa, IPAM issues a letter of acceptance/application declaration after receiving and validating all application documents

Student insurance

IPAM’s student insurance is mandatory and guarantees that students are covered in the event of accident or injury that occurs during academic activities (classes, study visits, curricular traineeships, or trips between their homes and the university campus). It does not cover illness or accidents that occur outside an academic environment. Student insurance is purchased at the time of registration and must be renewed annually during registration renewal.

European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

Students who are European Union or Switzerland citizens are entitled to the European Health Insurance Card which guarantees assistance in case of illness or accident. This card can be obtained from the Social Security Services of their country of origin before travelling to Portugal.

Social Security agreement with Brazil - PB04

Students from Brazil who wish to benefit from the National Health System (SNS) in Portugal must be registered with the Public Health System in Brazil and request a PB04 form from the social security services in Brazil. The PB04 form can be requested online and is valid for one year.Os estudantes oriundos do Brasil que pretendam beneficiar do Sistema Nacional de Saúde (SNS) em Portugal, deverão estar registrados no Sistema Público de Saúde do Brasil e solicitar o formulário para aquisição do PB04 junto dos serviços de segurança social do seu país de origem. O PB04 pode ser solicitado online e tem a validade de um ano.

More information

Private health insurance

At the same time, students may choose to benefit from Private Health Insurance. If they come from European Union countries or Switzerland, and are studying in Portugal for a short period, they must speak with the competent authorities in their countries of origin to ensure that they benefit from health insurance that is valid in within the scope of a short-term mobility programme must request the issuance of a NIF – Tax Identification Number from a Citizen's Office/Finance Service.

This number will be essential not only for opening a bank account and linking it to receipts for payment of tuition fees, but also for contracting and paying for other goods and services.

Lisbon: +351 210 205 702Porto: +351 220 280 502Online: +351 210 205 702